Mr. Meaty is one of the crappiest shows ever.I feel as if Nickelodeon is trying WAY TOO HARD to be funny.Well guess what Nick,MR. MEATY IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL.IT IS VERY GROSS!

Ouch...That was painful.

This show is very dumb.The animation makes no sense as well.The characters are also very annoying and gay.This sucks.Allen Gregory sucks.

Not as bad as people say.

Well,I don't see why so many people hate it so much.It's very action packed,and action is cool.BTW,Rebekka,i'm not stupid.I DON'T copy what I see off the screen.P.S. This is DrAwesome under a new acount.

This is just as bad as Almost Naked Animals!

I can't believe CN added this crap to their Cartoon Planet line-up.It has disgusting animation,too much fart humor,terrible jokes,and characters I can't stand.

Brain rotting and ultra immature

I fail to see how this show got more than half a season.It is some of the most immature s**t i've ever seen.There is potty humor everywhere,choppy CGI,stupid names,and an annoying theme song.Fanboy and Chum Chum are both horrible role models,because they are extremely lazy.What else do I have to say about this horrible crap? Yo is annoying,the character designs are sickening,and Boog is also a god awful role model.


The animation gives me headaches and makes me nautious (i'm not even joking.) There is also disgusting potty humor.I also heard that this show is getting renewed.WHAT A NIGHTMARE.

Out of Jimmy's A** is more like it.

How can you POSSIBLY call this a good show? It is very stupid! First off,just like Johnny Test (another awful show),it is a rip-off A LOT of shows.The animation is disgusting as well.BTW,even though there is SOME cartoon,this is a live action show on CARTOON NETWORK.Why is it on CN? IT'S NOT 100% CARTOON! Screw this crap.

This show is disgusting.

OK,so first off,i'd like to say that this show is SUCH a rip-off of Dexter's Laboratory.Also,Johnny is annoying and the animation has a lot of cliches.

This show is the best show on Earth!

Nothing beats this show.It will always be #1! It's funny,interesting,cool,entertaining,ect.The animation is AMAZING,the music is very catchy,the acting is superb,ect.SPONGEBOB RULES!

Nick Jr needs to bring this show back

This show was the best little kids show i've ever seen.It was not only very educational,but it was also very funny.I recommend Oswald.