This show is further proof that 2010 ended with a bang.
It is a very funny cartoon with great acting.The animation is interesting too.The idea of a cat and dog becoming secret agents is such a cool plot! It is why anyone will want to watch this gem.I also love the action on this cartoon.
OMG,the characters are awesome.My favorites are Kitty for being very pretty,Dudley for being hilarious,Keswick because of his amazing inventions,and The Chameleon for looking HILARIOUS!
The show is on a very long hiatus.They WERE gonna make some new episodes,but they were moved due to last minute scheduling change.Nickelodeon better air the episodes soon! It's like how the SpongeBob episode InSPONGEiac was gonna air in EARLY 2012,but it ended up airing 3 months after it's original airdate.
So overall,2010 was awesome because it was when this show,MLP:FiM,Regular Show,and Adventure Time came out!
Wow!!! This show is mind blowing and jaw dropping!

You'll be hooked after watching 1 episode!

This show is AMAZING! The ponies are SERVERELY cute! The animation is also very good.Interesting voice cast as well.This is my favorite show on The Hub.The other MLPs on the other hand are garbage.


While it might not be as good as the original,I still find this cartoon very funny.I was really looking foward to this show and I was impressed! The animation is nice as well.


This show is very unique.When I saw the previews before it aired back in 2010,I thought it was gonna suck.But,it turned out to be GREAT!!!
Here are the reasons why this show is awesome:
1.Oh my gosh,the plot is so creative! That's a good thing.The show is about a 13 year old named Finn and a talking dog named Jake who go on adventures.Creative much?
2.The humor.This show is soooooooo funny! The jokes never get old!
3.The animation is wonderful! The characters are interestingly designed.
So i'm not suprised about this cartoon beng a sucess.Though I do think Regular Show is better.
Here are the reasons why this show is awesome:
1.Oh my gosh,the plot is so creative! That's a good thing.The show is about a 13 year old named Finn and a talking dog named Jake who go on adventures.Creative much?
2.The humor.This show is soooooooo funny! The jokes never get old!
3.The animation is wonderful! The characters are interestingly designed.
So i'm not suprised about this cartoon beng a sucess.Though I do think Regular Show is better.

It's like a good version of Fanboy & Chum Chum!

CN took a crappy,horrible show and turned it into a funny,creative show that anyone would want to watch.
Anyways,Regular Show is about a bluejay named Mordecai and a racoon named Rigby who work at a local park (not two kids who go to school,like that Fanboy & Chum Chum nonsense).Their boss is a walking,talking gumball machine named Benson who gets angry VERY easily and yells at Mordecai & Rigby A LOT.The other workers at the park are Pops,Skips,Muccle Man,and High 5 Ghost.This show is very funny,has amazing acting,and has great animation.I LOVE the action scenes that you see in every episode as well.
Anyways,Regular Show is about a bluejay named Mordecai and a racoon named Rigby who work at a local park (not two kids who go to school,like that Fanboy & Chum Chum nonsense).Their boss is a walking,talking gumball machine named Benson who gets angry VERY easily and yells at Mordecai & Rigby A LOT.The other workers at the park are Pops,Skips,Muccle Man,and High 5 Ghost.This show is very funny,has amazing acting,and has great animation.I LOVE the action scenes that you see in every episode as well.

The title of the show speaks for itself.

This show is very hilarious! Cartoon Network has been dying lately with their horrible new shows such as The Problem Solverz,Almost Naked Animals,Secret Mountain Fort Awesome,Johnny Test,and others.The only good CN shows nowadays are Regular Show,Adventure Time,this,The Looney Tunes Show,and Scooby Doo Mystery Inc.
Before I watched this show,I thought "Is this gonna be another fail on CN's part?" It turns out,I was wrong! It was not another nail on CN's cofin at all!
The animation is very unique.It has cartoon,CGI,live action inserts,and everything! The acting is unique,the show is hilarious,ect.LONG LIVE GUMBALL!
Before I watched this show,I thought "Is this gonna be another fail on CN's part?" It turns out,I was wrong! It was not another nail on CN's cofin at all!
The animation is very unique.It has cartoon,CGI,live action inserts,and everything! The acting is unique,the show is hilarious,ect.LONG LIVE GUMBALL!


This was a spectacular's funny,interesting,fun to watch,ect.Since this movie is about a guy who eats at McDonald's a lot,i'll tell you my favorite fast food restaurants (IF you forgot them on my former account DrAwesome.)
2.Burger King
4.Chick fil A
10.Dunkin' Donuts
2.Burger King
4.Chick fil A
10.Dunkin' Donuts

Only saving grace: Max.

This show is very bad,BUT it has at least one good thing.
The only saving grace is Max.He is hilarious,though he can get very annoying.
Everything else about this show is bad.
The only saving grace is Max.He is hilarious,though he can get very annoying.
Everything else about this show is bad.

This should be called "Stupid Agent Oso".

This show is very stupid.I mean,Oso is a very annoying character.He never shuts up.The songs are sickening,it is too childish,ect.Disney Junior is gonna sink lower and lower unless they take this crap off the air.

Hard to believe I used to like this.

Wow,this show is EXTREMELY APPALING! I used to like Barney when I was younger,but now IT SUCKS!
Why do I hate it now,you ask? Here's why: I Love You is a gay song,Barney's laugh is creepy,and the acting is sickening.
Why do I hate it now,you ask? Here's why: I Love You is a gay song,Barney's laugh is creepy,and the acting is sickening.